Thank you for visiting the Idiots Registry
Face of Evil:
“Registry Specialist" Stephanie Gray shoots icy stare (Update: Gray requested and received a transfer due to the guilt she felt in her loathsome job. She was replaced by Daniel Kelly and Leonard Dunning.
Information to Destroy: Stephanie
Gray pumps one of her victims
Act of Belittlement: Yolanda "Cesspool Cunt" Stokes has a reputation for mocking her victims
Path of Destruction:
Stephanie Gray leads her victim to her cubicle
Yolanda "Cesspool Cunt" Stokes needlessly interrogates a returning citizen.
Sadistic “Registration Specialist” Yolanda Stokes (aka, Aunt Jemima) attacks
one of her victims
John F. Clark, CEO of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), says "I'm no fan of Nazis but admire them for originating registries of undesirable citizens."
Leonard "Fat Man" Dunning likes stepping on returning citizens
Returning from a personal errand on government time, Leonard "Fat Man" Dunning is anxious to hurt more people
Edmond "Limp Dick"Pears got his high-paying job by hurting returning citizens
Keeping an eye on career advancement rather than compassionate justice, Edmond "Limp Dick"Pears talks like a Nazi.